Solar Eclipse Schedule for October 14, 2023: Where it Will Be Visible and What Time in Mexico - Expat Community

Solar Eclipse Schedule for October 14, 2023: Where it Will Be Visible and What Time in Mexico

Oct 12, 2023 | Mexico, News & Articles | 0 comments

  • The phenomenon will cross North America: the United States and Mexico, and then head towards Brazil.


The anticipation surrounding this astronomical event in Mexico is growing as the marked date on the calendar approaches. To ensure you’re well-prepared and don’t miss this remarkable celestial encounter between the Moon, the Sun, and Earth, we’re here to tell you what you need to know.


We all understand what an eclipse is, but, as with everything in the known universe, each event of this nature is unique and unrepeatable. On this occasion, let’s delve into the type of eclipse we will experience in Mexico, where it can be observed, its extent, and the best viewing times.


This year, various astronomical events will occur, including an annular solar eclipse, also known as the ‘ring of fire,’ which will be visible from Mexico. The last time such an event took place in our country was on May 10, 1994. However, it should not be confused with the eclipse on July 11 of the same year, as the latter was of the total solar type.


Annularity occurs when the Moon is distant from Earth, covering a portion of the Sun and forming a luminous ring colloquially referred to as the ‘ring of fire.’


Hence, this effect will be observable in the upcoming annular solar eclipse that will be visible in some regions of Mexico.


Annular Eclipse Schedule in Mexico 2023


The annular eclipse can be observed on October 14 in its fullest extent in cities along the Riviera Maya such as Campeche, Chetumal, and Celestún. It will begin at 09:46 and conclude at 13:10. The annularity, displaying the iconic ‘ring of fire,’ will be visible at 11:25. However, in the rest of the country, the eclipse will only be partially visible (between 60 and 80 percent obscuration). In Mexico City, the extent will be between 70 and 80 percent.


Safety Recommendations: To view the eclipse safely, consider the following precautions:


  • Do not use sunglasses, polarized filters, smoked glasses, exposed color films, X-rays, or neutral density filters.
  • If you plan to observe the eclipse through a telescope, ensure that it has solar filters blocking 99.99% of the light.
  • Keep in mind that CDs, diskettes, aluminum foil, and water used as a projection mirror are not suitable alternatives for eclipse viewing.


Don’t forget to take the necessary precautions to prevent any adverse effects on your eyes or vision. –

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