Legislators Approve Debt Forgiveness for Overdue Vehicle Permits - Expat Community

Legislators Approve Debt Forgiveness for Overdue Vehicle Permits

Sep 29, 2023 | Costa Rica, News & Articles | 0 comments

On Thursday, a majority of 35 legislators approved file 23.906 in its second debate, a project that implements debt forgiveness for individuals owing on their vehicle permits (marchamo).


With this reform, owners of vehicles and motorcycles with outstanding marchamo payments can settle their debts by paying only for the tax corresponding to the year 2024—due starting in November. The initiative aims to assist hundreds of individuals who, due to various circumstances, have been unable to pay their marchamo. Additionally, these individuals will benefit from paying a reduced amount due to a tax cut also finalized in the second debate on Thursday.


Acting faction chief of the National Liberation Party (PLN), Alejandra Larios, expressed gratitude for the support from the different factions and highlighted the effort to provide financial relief to the population. “I want to emphasize that today is a good day for Costa Ricans, and that we are working for you. It’s possible to reach agreements despite our differences,” commented Larios.


The Government faction voted against the proposal. According to legislator Daniel Vargas, they cannot agree with the proposal because it includes forgiveness for the 2023 marchamo (the current year), which he stated was incorrect.


Eli Feinzaig, faction chief of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), again highlighted the joint work of the majority of the factions to correct what he described as an injustice and to be up-to-date with this tax. In 2022, a similar initiative was launched, but according to official data, only 11% of vehicle owners with outstanding debts took advantage of the opportunity.


It’s important to note that this forgiveness does not apply to any vehicle or motorcycle, whether personally owned or owned by spouses or partners, nor to those registered under legal entities in which members of the Supreme Powers, the President of the Republic, vice presidents, ministers and deputy ministers, legislators, justices of the Supreme Court of Justice, justices of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the comptroller and deputy comptroller of the Republic, the attorney general and deputy attorney general of the Republic, the ombudsman and deputy ombudsman of the Inhabitants, the general superintendent of Financial Entities (Sugef), the general superintendent of Securities (Sugeval), the general superintendent of Insurance (Sugese), the general superintendent of Pensions (Supen), the leaders and board members of the State banks and public institutions, mayors, deputy mayors, and intendants participate.


On Thursday, the legislators also finalized a significant reduction to the charge for the 2024 marchamo, which will be invoiced this year.


CRHOY – https://www.crhoy.com/nacionales/otra-buena-noticia-diputados-aprueban-perdon-de-deudas-por-marchamos-atrasados/

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