The National Meteorological Institute (IMN) anticipates a typical rainy season pattern on Friday with lesser cloud cover and afternoon rains, primarily affecting the Pacific and the mountainous areas of the Caribbean and Northern Zone. Warmer temperatures and a possible increase in afternoon cloudiness are also expected.
Weather Conditions:
Central Valley: Partly cloudy throughout the day with isolated showers in the afternoon.
North Pacific: Partly cloudy, with isolated rains and thunderstorms over the Nicoya Peninsula in the afternoon and scattered rains early in the evening.
Central Pacific: Partly cloudy mornings, turning to cloudy afternoons with mountain showers and variable evening cloudiness with light rain.
South Pacific: Partly cloudy with isolated mountain showers in the afternoon and variable evening cloudiness.
North Caribbean: Partly cloudy with potential morning rain, and staying partly cloudy into the evening.
South Caribbean: Partly cloudy in the morning with potential rain, and remaining partly cloudy into the evening.
Northern Zone: Morning and evening cloudiness with potential for isolated showers and storms in the afternoon.