The most surprising archaeological remains discovered in Puebla - Expat Community

The most surprising archaeological remains discovered in Puebla

Apr 19, 2024 | Mexico, News & Articles | 0 comments

The revaluation of archaeological findings allows us to learn more about the cultures that inhabited before the Spanish Conquest.

Puebla, before the arrival of the Spanish, was one of the main stages of pre-Hispanic cultures such as the Mexica, Toltec, Olmec, Totonac, Nahua, Mixtec, Zapotec, and Otomi, among others.

In addition, significant archaeological remains dating back to 7000 B.C. have been discovered, which have been of great importance for the knowledge and history of our country. Therefore, here is a list of the most surprising archaeological remains discovered in Puebla.

First temple dedicated to Xipe Tótec, the god of flaying
In 2019, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) discovered in a pyramidal base of the archaeological site of Ndachjian-Tehuacán the first temple dedicated to Xipe Tótec, the god of flaying. Inside this temple, two sculptures were found that make a direct reference to flaying, these figures were carved in volcanic rock by Popoloca artisans and weigh around 200 kilos. It is believed that this complex was built between 1000 and 1260 AD.

Pre-Hispanic plaza in Atlixco
In 2020, archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) discovered the remains of what could be a pre-Hispanic plaza, whose temporality could go back 900 or 700 years before the present.

Mammoth over 10,000 years old
In 2021, in the municipality of Arcse, the remains of a mammoth dating back over 10,000 years were found. At that time, almost intact tusks, a fragmented skull, 70% of the pelvis, and some rib fragments were recovered.

Mexica god Tláloc in the Great Pyramid
A few months ago, in 2023, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) announced the discovery of a birthplace of “sacred water” in the Great Pyramid of Cholula. During the reconstruction work of the staircase leading to the site known as “The little well of desires,” fragments of a brazier, a calcite flagstone, and a cylindrical sculpture 30 centimeters long, made of basalt, representing Tláloc, the god of water and rain in Mexica culture, were discovered.

Thanks to these works, other archaeological finds were made, such as an adobe core corresponding to the fill of the fifth stage of the basement, dated towards the end of the classical period of this region, approximately from the year 100 to 600 AD.

Dinosaur fossils over 145 million years old

In San Martín Atexcal, dinosaur fossils dating from the Early Cretaceous have been found, which are 145.5 million years old.

Hydraulic remains from the XVIII and XIX centuries in El Alto
Specialists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) reported in 2022 the discovery of hydraulic remains from the XVIII and XIX centuries, during the remodeling works of the El Alto Market. In that area, a fountain from the 18th century, the first in the neighborhood’s square, and a canal for water transport measuring 0.45 meters wide and approximately 0.50 meters high were found.


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