This Friday, a free boat service will begin crossing the Tempisque River - Expat Community

This Friday, a free boat service will begin crossing the Tempisque River

Apr 12, 2024 | Costa Rica, News & Articles | 0 comments

By Franklin Castro

Boats refueling.

• MOPT will provide the fuel and INA the boats.

• This alternative seeks to provide options for those who cannot use the La Amistad bridge during its rehabilitation, which began last Monday.

Thanks to the collaboration of the National Learning Institute, which provides 2 boats, and the financial effort of the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, there will be a boat service on the Tempisque River starting tomorrow, Friday, April 12, 2024.

Pablo Camacho, Manager of Road and Bridge Construction at the National Road Council, in charge of the rehabilitation of the La Amistad bridge, which began on April 1st, wanted to thank the Maritime and Port Division of the Ministry for the coordination with other institutions to provide this alternative for crossing the river while the bridge is rehabilitated, which will remain closed until next July 24.

The free coastal service, whose fuel will be provided by the Ministry, will be given from the vicinity of the La Amistad bridge, on both banks, both from the Nicoya side and from Limonal. The trip will take about 5 minutes across the river and will be from 5 am to 5 pm, at different times (see table at the end) from Monday to Friday.

Anyone can use this service, but it will not be allowed to board with suitcases or heavy items that could take up too much space or add excessive weight to the boat. A personal item such as a backpack, purse, or briefcase will be allowed.

Each boat can carry 14 passengers, plus one or two crew members, they explained.

We are working hand in hand with the Public Transport Council to see the possibility of offering a public transportation service to people who will use the boats.


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