We Start with Increases! The price of gasoline today, May 20, 2024, in Mexico - Expat Community

We Start with Increases! The price of gasoline today, May 20, 2024, in Mexico

May 21, 2024 | Mexico, News & Articles | 0 comments


Here is the average price of gasoline nationwide, as well as in Mexico City.

The cost of fuels in Mexico presents modifications every day due to the price of oil, the exchange rate of the dollar, and the profit margin of sellers, among others. Therefore, we explain the average price of gasoline today, May 20, 2024, nationwide and in other states of the Mexican Republic.

The federal government agencies in charge of announcing the daily changes in gasoline prices are the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) to locate where the fuel is cheaper and where not to go due to excessive costs.

According to the PETROIntelligence portal, the average price of gasoline today, May 20, 2024* nationwide is:

Magna Gasoline: 23.502
Premium Gasoline: 25.282
Diesel: 25.146
*Average prices at 07:00 hours
Price of gasoline today, May 20, 2024, in CDMX

In Mexico City, the average prices of gasoline per liter today, May 20, 2024* are:

Magna Gasoline: 23.797
Premium Gasoline: 25.626
Diesel: 24.654
*Average prices at 07:00 hours

Price of gasoline today, May 20, 2024, in Jalisco
In Jalisco, the average prices of gasoline per liter today, May 20, 2024* are:

Magna Gasoline: 24.262
Premium Gasoline: 25.997
Diesel: 25.511
*Average prices at 07:00 hours

Price of gasoline today, May 20, 2024, in Nuevo León
For Nuevo León, the average prices of gasoline per liter today, May 20, 2024* are:

Magna Gasoline: 24.473
Premium Gasoline: 26.881
Diesel: 25.177
*Average prices at 07:00 hours

Profeco’s Litro por Litro App, this is how it works

Profeco has the Litro por Litro application, with which you can search within a range of up to 19 kilometers around for the gas station that sells gasoline at the lowest price. It also works to report abuses at fuel stations.

What do I need to report gas stations that don’t give a Liter x Liter?
Motorists who wish to report a gas station can do so via email at denunciasgasolina@profeco.com.mx or the WhatsApp number 55 6868 2589.

The data needed are:

– Street
– Number
– Neighborhood
– Municipality / City
– Postal Code
– State


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