Week Starts With Heavy Rain and Storms - Expat Community

Week Starts With Heavy Rain and Storms

Aug 29, 2023 | Costa Rica, News & Articles | 0 comments

Country remains on yellow alert.

At the start of this week, it is expected that closer proximity to the Intertropical Convergence Zone will create unstable atmospheric conditions in various regions of our country.

Forecasts from the National Meteorological Institute (IMN) indicate that there will be an increase in precipitation in the Pacific region from Tuesday through Thursday.

For today, Monday, occasional rains and showers are expected in the Caribbean and Northern Zone regions during the morning. In the afternoon, rain showers accompanied by storms are forecasted again in the Pacific regions, especially in the South Pacific. These weather conditions will continue into the night, mainly affecting the coastal areas.

“In the afternoon, rain showers with storms are again forecasted in the Pacific regions, especially in the South Pacific. These will extend into the nighttime periods on the coasts,” was noted in the weather advisory.

In the Central Valley, scattered showers are anticipated, moving towards the north and west of the country. Meteorological experts have indicated that this weather instability is directly related to the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, which can produce irregular rain patterns and changes in atmospheric conditions throughout the week.

Authorities urge the public to take necessary precautions in the face of possible heavy rains and electrical storms.

CRHOY – https://www.crhoy.com/nacionales/semana-inicia-cargada-de-lluvias-y-tormenta-2/

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